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Blue Growth : Unknown, Unloved?
Blue Growth : Unknown, Unloved?
Vond plaats op maandag 6 juni 2016 - 9 u - 14 u
UGent Campus Oostende

Dear Student/professor/alumni,

Are you aware of UGent’s Blue Growth position and potential? Have you heard about the flagship UGent Blue Growth Summer School?  Are you fascinated by how engineering can unlock progress in aquacultureand vice versa and are you interested in hurdles and opportunities of knowledge transfer accross aquaculture, coastal engineering and blue energy? Do you want to hear about cost reduction by cross fertilization of disciplines? Do you like to mingle with UGent expertsand business developers? Then you simply cannot miss this event!

From 2016 onwards the Board of Directors of Ghent University decided to cluster its ongoing marine and maritime activities and initiatives under the Blue Growth umbrella coupling this to its Campus in Ostend. In this framework UGent Blue Growth researchers and business developers unite to apply a coordinated multidisciplinary approach.

A first initiative is the UGent Blue Growth networking event ‘unkown, unloved?’ aiming to inform the UGent community of the university’s recent policy decision and to convince UGent researchers and marine/maritime graduates across UGent faculties of the potential of Blue Growth, an EU strategy seemingly far away from the daily reality of researchers. Blue Growth requires broad cross-disciplinar cooperation of engineers, ecologists, marine biologists, geographers, but also economists e.g. to set-up business plans, lawyers to set the regulatory framework. ‘Unkown, Unloved?’ will focus on joining people who could contribute/participate in complimentary activities in two key Blue Growth research domains: renewable energy/coastal engineering and aquatic production. Needless to say, non-UGent stakeholders interested in attending the event e.g. from other universities or research institutes are most welcome to join, and marine professionals interested in insights on UGent blue growth activities especially focused on both domains are also kindly invited.  Worth wile mentioning that UGent experts from additional blue growth domains e.g. marine graduate training, deep-sea mining will be in the audience, and available for networking.

You can find the full program and registration file here.
 Download : Affiche_UGent Blue Growth Networking Event_v5.pdf

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